Presentations, Publications and Projects

Penijean A. Gracefire

Penijean A. Gracefire

Presentations, Publications and Projects 2019 “The Electrophysiology of Stress: Strategies to Improve Clinical Efficacy and Compassion”, SBCNA Conference, Greeneville, SC

2019 “Lightspeed Neurofeedback: EEG-Modulated Pulsed Near Infrared, SBCNA Conference, Greeneville, SC

2019 “The Allostatic Dynamics of sLORETA Z-scored Connectivity”, ISNR Conference, Denver

2019 “Clinical Considerations of EEG-Guided Near Infrared Light as Feedback”, ISNR Conference, Denver

2019 “The Critical Connections Made by Mental Health Counselors”, Ignite Talk, AMHCA Conference, Washington D.C.

2019 “Counseling in Context: How the Brain and Body Provide Critical Insight into the Mind”, AMHCA Conference, Washington D.C.

2019 “It Takes a Digital Village: Adolescent Well-Being in the Age of Social Media”, Keynote Address, SDCA Conference, Sioux Falls

2019 “‘When I Was a Kid We Played With Sticks’: How Mobile Technology Has Changed Childhood”, SDCA Conference, Sioux Falls

2019 “Advanced Clinical Analysis of qEEG”, Offenburg, Germany

2019 “PhotoBiomodulation and EEG Biofeedback: Integrating Light Therapy to Improve Brain Function”, BFE Conference, Cardiff, Wales

2019 “Healing Heartbreak: Can Neurofeedback Increase Romantic Resiliency?” AAPB Conference, Denver

2019 “The NeuroElectrical Dynamics of Wellness”, 8 Hearts Health & Wellness, Portland

2018 “Lightspeed Neurofeedback: Live Z-score Modulated Pulsed NIR and Neural Connectivity”, ISNR Conference, Phoenix

2018 “Principles of sLORETA and Z-score Neurofeedback”, IFEN, Munich, Germany

2018 “Clinical Considerations of qEEG”, Offenburg, Germany

2018 “The Impact of Mobile Technology and Social Media on the Adolescent Brain”, AMHCA, Orlando

2017 “Self-Soothing: How to Generate the Resources the Brain and Body Need to Handle Stress and Accomplish Tasks”, The Advocate Magazine, November 2017, p. 13-15

2017 “Healing Heartbreak: Can Neurofeedback Increase Romantic Resiliency?”, ISNR Conference, Foxwoods, CT

2017 “The Electrophysiology of Self-Soothing”, AMHCA Conference, Washington D.C. 2017 “From the Bottom of My Brain”, guest on the WNYC Heartbreakers Series, hosted by artist Dessa, at The Greene Space in New York City

2017 “Integrating Neurofeedback and Sensory Grounding Techniques to Treat Complex Trauma”, AAPB Conference, Chicago

2016 “Practical Applications of qEEG: Introductory Principles of Clinical Analysis”, SBCNA Conference, Atlanta

2016 “Neurofeedback and the Digital Adolescent: Addressing Mental Health Issues in the Age of Mobile Technology”, ISNR Conference, Orlando

2016 “Current Clinical Applications of EEG-based Assessment and Treatments: sLORETA, Network and Hub Activation, Pulsed Electromagnetic (pEMF) and Integrated Methods”, ISNR Conference, Orlando

2016 “Introduction to the Concepts and Clinical Applications of Multivariate Live Z-score Training, PZOK and sLORETA Feedback”, Handbook of Clinical qEEG and Neurotherapy. New York: Routledge/Taylor & Francis

2016 “Intervention Strategies for Anxiety Disorders Using Individualized sLORETA Z- Score Networks”, AAPB Conference, Seattle

2016 “Clinical Application of qEEG-based Interventions: Live Z-scores, sLORETA, ISF, and PEMF”, AAPB Conference, Seattle

2015 “The Role of EEG Biofeedback in Reducing Allostatic Load on the Central Nervous System”, SBCNA Conference, Charlotte

2015 “The Role of sLORETA Assessment and Neurofeedback in Recovery from Relational Violence and Abuse”, ISNR Conference, Denver

2015 “Train Your Brain, Change Your Mind: Working With Treatment Resistant OCD”, AHMCA Conference, Philadelphia

2015 “sLORETA Brain Imaging: PTSD Assessment and Intervention in Real Time”, USF Counselor Ed. Military Institute, Tampa

2015 “PEMF and sLORETA: EEG Driven Magnetic Field Therapy”, AAPB Conference, Austin 2015 “Clinical Application of QEEG-based Interventions: Live Z-Scores, sLORETA, Infra- Slow Fluctuations and Micropower Transcranial Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Stimulation (pEMF)”, AAPB Conference, Austin

2014 “Early Cognitive Decline and Alzheimer's Disease: Detection and Intervention Using sLORETA Z-scored Imaging”, ISNR Conference, San Diego

2014 “Reintegrating the Brain: How Neurofeedback Can Assist Veterans with Traumatic Brain Injury”, USF Counselor Ed. Military Institute, Tampa

2014 “Turn Up the Frequency: Captivating the Inattentive Brain”, AMHCA Conference, Seattle

2014 “Wired for Two Wheels: Inside the Brain of a Motorcyclist”, IJMS Conference, Colorado Springs

2014 “How Everyday Clinicians Can Use 3D Brain Imaging Technology to Increase Efficacy of Conventional Cognitive Therapy Strategies”, SBCNA Conference, Charlotte

2014 “Clinical Integration of Low-Resolution EEG Imaging with QEEG and Neurofeedback”, AAPB Conference, Savannah

2013 “Integrating pIR HEG and EEG Biofeedback to Reduce Allostatic Load”, ISNR Conference, Dallas

2013 “Clinical Implications of Neurofeedback Paradigms Using sLORETA Regions of Interest”, ISNR Conference, Dallas

2013 “BrainAvatar for Beginners: sLORETA Training Using BrainDx Z-scores with 3D Live Projection”, AAPB Conference, Portland

2012 "Combining sLORETA and 19 Channel Live Z-score Training: Targeting Hi Beta in Brodmann Areas to Reduce Symptoms of Anxiety", NeuroConnections, Winter 2012, 30-33

2012 “Mental Health from the Inside Out: Rewiring the Brain Can Heal Your Mind”, AMHCA Conference, Orlando

2012 “Data Driven Clinical Applications for Z-score Training”, Z-score Training Conference, Cancun 2012 “Five Case Studies Using Live Z-score Training PercentZOK on Individuals Diagnosed with PTSD”, Neuroconnections, Spring 2012, 28-30;

2011 “Potential Clinical Applications for Symptom Reduction of Anxiety, Depression, or Mixed Anxiety/Depression using 19 Channel Live Z-Score Training Using Percent ZOK and ZPlus Protocols”, ISNR conference, Phoenix 2010 “Evaluating the Clinical Efficacy of a Multi-Modal Treatment Paradigm: LENS, NeuroField and Z-score Training”, ISNR conference, Denver

2010 “Watching the Brain Change Itself During the Process of Healing and Integration”, ISSSEEM Conference, Denver

2010 “Z-score training with autistic spectrum disorder: The critical role of connectivity”, Biofeedback Society of Florida, Orlando

2009 “Z-score training with profound autistic spectrum disorder: A case study”, NeuroConnections, Fall 2009, 32-24; 2009 “Reconnecting our children to the world: Z-score training and autistic spectrum disorder”, AAPB conference, Albuquerque

Learn more about Penijean or invite her to speak.